Wednesday 22 August 2007

The end is at the beginning yet we go on

Today it has been 7 months and 11 days since the last time we were together. But then again, we were never together.

I could list forever the million and one sensations of love we never experienced. Like how we never found ourselves lost in the depth of each others eyes, felt the warmth of each other’s embrace or breath or the reassuring beat of the other’s heart close to one’s own. Ours is a story that was only ever real in unreal plains. Our proximity was a mere illusion created by a computer program and cables asleep on ocean beds carrying electronic dreams thousands of miles.

So why this delusional yearning for a presence that never was? How cruel an imagination that makes me recall the feel of fingertips tenderly brushing stray tendrils from my cheeks? How foolish a mind that remembers whispered words that were only ever pixels on a screen?

From many a definition of reality our story is merely a dreamscape lived in our imaginations. But aren’t all stories born of the imagination. Isn’t reality the sum of all stories?

So this is just another story. Actually this is just half a story searching for its other half.